Monday, November 24, 2008

Hardware vs. Software

Sitting through technology budget meetings where the topic of conversation always focusses on hardware is frustrating. While it is obvious that we can't do anything without the right hardware, to expect that just by giving teachers the right hardware they will be able to improve instruction is misguided. We have been putting computers in the classroom for 20 years now with little significant improvement in student scores. The problem has been that the software has been just a reflection of how teachers traditionally taught. We need to develop software that is student-centered and that has the ability to modify instruction based upon the user. Google Docs is a great start in this direction but we need more content specific material. In order to make the hardware work for us, we need to give it the tools that make sense for the kids. Let's change the conversation and force the fragmented educational software industry to create tools that will force change.

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