Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Google Teacher Academy

Just finished GTA in NYC. What a day - my brain still cannot comprehend all that went on there. I will try to synthesize some of the ideas that I have and will use as time passes. The two things that I really got out of it in general were: 1. I now belong to a group of wildly talented and innovative educators and 2. Google has the right idea when it comes to a work model. The day began with the ten things that Google has found to be true:

1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.
2. It's best to do one thing really, really well.
3. Fast is better than slow.
4. Democracy on the web works.
5. You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.
6. You can make money without doing evil.
7. There's always more information out there.
8. The need for information crosses all borders.
9. You can be serious without a suit.
10. Great just isn't good enough.

If we take this, as Mark Wagner did in the intro and implemented that into education, revolution would follow.

More to come.

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